IT4510 - Ethical Hacking

IT4510 @ utahtech

Intrusion Detection systems


On your pfsense machine, navigate to system->package manager. Install the suricata package. After doing so, you should see a suricata option on your Services menu.

The video here provides a good overview as to how to install and configure suricata on pfsense. You should watch it and configure yours.

Testing your IDS

A few words of advice hereā€¦ If we trigger an alert, it also might be triggered upstream if another IDS is running. Here are some ways to trigger an alert to see if suricata is correctly working. These things would have to be done from a machine that is configured to go through the pfsense machine (i.e. Kali).

You should see some alerts in your suricata machine now.

To pass off

You should show me that you are getting some alerts.