IT4510 - Ethical Hacking

IT4510 @ utahtech

Mysql with ssl

Do the steps identified at:

I started with to generate my certs/keys and stuff, then I did section Instead of starting the server with command line arguments I just uncommented the section in /etc/mysql/my.cnf like so:


Before restarting mysql I added the following line to /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld:

    /etc/mysql/newcerts/*.pem r,

Before the closing curly brace.

Then you should be able to restart mysql. You will probably want to create a new user and make sure that you can connect remotely. From the mysql prompt:

    grant all privileges on *.* to joe@'%' identified by 'foobar!';

Then back in my.cnf file, comment out the line that refers to bind-address, restart mysql again.

Now when you look at your server and issue the following command, you should see that it is using ssl:

    show variables like 'have_ssl';

To connect from a client do:

mysql -u joe -p -h –ssl-cert client-cert.pem –ssl-key client-key.pem

After copying over the client files that you created earlier. In a session from a client you can now do the \s and it should show it is using ssl.

    Current user:
    SSL:                Cipher in use is DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
    Current pager:      stdout

If you try to login as a normal user, without all the ssl garbage, you can also do ‘\s’ and see that SSL is not being used.

mysql -u joe -p -h