IT4510 - Ethical Hacking

IT4510 @ utahtech

Assignment 1


We have discussed keyloggers, viruses, and other security vulnerabilities within a system. How do hackers do it? For this assignment you will experiment with some different ideas.

Keyloggers (Win)

Install a keylogger on your own machine (utilization of your virtual machine is highly suggested). Demonstrate what it does (screenshot). How could a hacker use this? Do some research to see if there is any way to detect a keylogger and prevent it.

Firewall (Win)

Install a firewall on that same machine as above. Does it detect the keylogger? (Screenshot to show that you installed a firewall). Demonstrate that it can actually block something.

Malware Detection (Win)

Download and run malwarebytes to see what it can pick up on the same machine on which you have your keylogger. (Screenshot)

Rootkits (Linux VM)

Follow the instructions found here