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IT 4510 : Ethical Hacking
Dr Joe Francom
monoalphabetic ciphers
Symmetric Encryption
caesar cipher (the key is how many letters to rotate it)
need secure algorithm, they can't decipher ciphertext or key even if they have some examples of ciphertext along with decrypted version
Keys need to be distributed in secure manner
they know something (either plaintext, or algorithm to deduce the key)
brute force
try every possible combination to guess the key
d. Stream Ciphers
Hash functions:
MD5 (try some)
sha1sum(also try)
For message authentication. Encryption protects against passive attacks. Hash is used for active attacks (falsification of data and transactions). (Still falls under data integrity)
Proposed in 1976 (diffie-hellman)
two separate keys
6 ingredients to PKI
Encryption Algorithm
Public and private key
Each user generates a pair, public key is publicly available
PKI More
encrypt message using persons public key, only corresponding private key can decrypt
private keys are never distributed
can ensure a person is who they say they are
when sending messages we can ensure confidentiality
when receiving messages we can ensure authentication and/or data integrity
Decryption algorithm
PKI More
diffie-hellman key exchange process
enables 2 users to securely reach agreement about shared secret that can be used as a secret key for symmetric encryption of messages
Asymmetric encryption algorithms
RSA = block cipher
currently uses 1024 bit key
Digital Signatures
bob creates message, generates hash value for the message, and encrypts hash code with private key, creating a digital signature
alice receives messages plus signature
recalculates hash value for message
decrypts signature using bobs public key
compares calculated hash value to decrypted hash value
the message is safe from alteration, but not from observation
downside: some user could send their public key, purporting to be Bob.
solution is public key certificate
consists of public key, userid, plus signed by trusted 3rd party (ie verisign)