IT 4510 : Information Security

Web Security

Dr Joe Francom



  • Banner grabbing (nikto, telnet)
    • How could that site be useful to an attacker?
  • Site ripper?
    • httrack
    • let's rip some of the cit website and see if we can host on our Kali machine

Web server Attacks

See if you can find an example:

  • DDOS
  • DNS server hijacking
  • DNS amplification attack
  • Directory traversal
  • MitM (burp)
  • Website defacement
  • Web server misconfiguration
  • HTTP response splitting
  • Web server password cracking

Vulnerability Scanners

  • Nessus

Web application Attacks

  • Injection
  • XSS attacks
  • clickjacking
  • buffer overflow